A year has passed since a series of gruesome murders took the lives of multiple college seniors aboard the now infamous Terror Train. The survivors are coerced to go on a New Year’s Eve redemption ride aboard the very same train, where a new kind of evil awaits and the terrified passengers must once again fight to survive the ride.
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Tagline:The Return Trip From Hell.
Genre: 2022, bioskop 21, bioskop online, Bioskop168, bioskop21, BioskopGratis21, Bioskopin21, Bioskopkeren, BIOSKOPKEREN21, Bioskopkerenin, BioskopXXI, BOOMXXI, Bos21, Cekih21, cinema21, Cinema21XXI, Cinemaindo, Coeg21, Dunia21, filmapik, Filmroster, Gosemut, Grandxxi, Gudangfilm21, gudangmovie, gudangmovie21, Horror, IDLIX, IDLIX21, IDNXXI, INDOXXI, juraganbioskop21, Juraganfilm21, Juraganfilm99, Kacafilm21, Kawanfilm21, Layarindo21, layarkaca, lebah21, Lebahmovie, Lebahmovie21, LigaXXI, LK21, movie21, Movies21, Mystery, Ngefilm, Ngefilm21, NS21, Planetfilm21, Popcorn21, RajaXXI, REBAHIN, Ruangmovie21, Savefilm21, Sobatfilm21, Sobatkeren, Sobatmovie21, Sobatnonton21, TERBIT21, Waktu21, Zenomovie
Quality: HD
Year: 2022
Duration: 88 Min
Director:Philippe Gagnon